Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I hate interviews! I especially hate the part after you interview, where you have to wait for what seems like a bazillion years to hear whether or not you got the job...

I interviewed for a buyer assistant position over 2 weeks ago and I'm still waiting to find out if I got it. I'm frustrated because it was a position that I was approached and asked to interview for. I didn't seek it out, I didn't network for it, I didn't do anything accept submit an application after I was asked. Doesn't that generally mean they want you? I don't know, this corporate world I work in is way too confusing and frankly playing office politics sucks! At this point, I don't even know if I want to the job...I just want the money that comes with it!

Work really sucks right now. I hate advertising and everything related to it, including almost everybody in that department! (There are still a couple people that I like over there, but it's getting more scarce as this year wears on...)

I hate when my boss calls me with stupid questions and inquiries and treats me like I'm a dumbass. Nobody understands that my database runs sooooooo much slower than everyone else's. I dare them to work in my database for one day...they wouldn't be able to deal!

Thank goodness I've only got 43 minutes left of this day...

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About Me

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I was born and raised in Rapid City, SD. Loved growing up there and am a little sad that my theoretical kids won't be able to grow up there - unless, God forbid, I move back. I moved away for college to Omaha, NE. I went to Creighton University. Great education, great professors - not a good place for young people with an itch for action! I moved to Denver in August of 2004 and love it! I recommend that all people live in at least one other place besides their hometown - the world is so full of opportunities, we just have to move out of comfort zones!