Sunday, December 09, 2007


I'm in definite twitterpation and am slightly lovesick right now...though not quite to the extent described below (from Urban Dictionary)

However, every little thing that comes together perfectly encourages this ridiculousnous!! But for whatever reason, things keep working out and I think I'm just going to have to let this happen...even if it means I hit the bottom and there's no cushion.

An enjoyable disorder characterized by feelings of excitement, anticipation, high hopes, recent memories of interludes, giddiness, and physical overstimulation which occur simultaneously when experiencing a new love. These feelings take over without warning, usually at odd times (such as at a check-out line), with or without the partner present, and make it difficult to concentrate on anything but romance. They interfere with work and safe driving, but should be experienced at least once in every person's lifetime.

So deeply affected by love as to be unable to act normally. You awake every morning, thinking of your love, having dreamt of them all night, the pain of seperation searing your heart every time a site or smell brings back the memory of your last encounter. Daydreaming, drawing hearts in the sand, constantly thinking "I wish they were here so I could share this moment" even when pulling weeds or walking the dog. The consuming fire within the heart for even one more moment with ones love that defies rational thought, knowing full well, one moment would never be enough, yearning for eternity together.

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About Me

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I was born and raised in Rapid City, SD. Loved growing up there and am a little sad that my theoretical kids won't be able to grow up there - unless, God forbid, I move back. I moved away for college to Omaha, NE. I went to Creighton University. Great education, great professors - not a good place for young people with an itch for action! I moved to Denver in August of 2004 and love it! I recommend that all people live in at least one other place besides their hometown - the world is so full of opportunities, we just have to move out of comfort zones!