Monday, January 30, 2012

47. Set Up "Creation Station" in Yellow Room

Date Started:  Before I even had 101 goals
Date Completed:  January 30, 2012...and always a work in progress!

In our house, we have a yellow bedroom that is pretty much my glorified closet.  In my quest to be more creative and create more things, I decided to turn this yellow room into my "Creation Station".  I didn't get too crazy just yet but I do have a full-size table, a photography box, a gift wrapping and gift basket section as well as a bin to keep all my other artsy stuff in.  Here is a picture of my work in progress...keep in mind it will always be somewhat can one be creative in a totally organized space?? 

You can also see my "Lover's Lane" painting in the room from just a few weeks ago!

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About Me

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I was born and raised in Rapid City, SD. Loved growing up there and am a little sad that my theoretical kids won't be able to grow up there - unless, God forbid, I move back. I moved away for college to Omaha, NE. I went to Creighton University. Great education, great professors - not a good place for young people with an itch for action! I moved to Denver in August of 2004 and love it! I recommend that all people live in at least one other place besides their hometown - the world is so full of opportunities, we just have to move out of comfort zones!