Thursday, July 27, 2006

Reasons why Mondays SUCK:

1. The weekend is over
2. The alarm always goes off way too early
3. Work - but work sucks in general
4. 5 days to get through until the next weekend
5. My puppy dog, Kona, has to stay in her kennel all day
6. I have to put on nice clothes and make-up vs. comfy shorts, t-shirts and no make-up
7. My favorite gossip blogs don't have any new dirt for me to read (I'm ridiculously interested in celebrities and their dirt...I get it from my granny, I'm convinced of it!)
8. I usually have to eat leftovers from Sunday dinner for lunch and I HATE leftovers

More to come later...suggestions always welcome!

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About Me

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I was born and raised in Rapid City, SD. Loved growing up there and am a little sad that my theoretical kids won't be able to grow up there - unless, God forbid, I move back. I moved away for college to Omaha, NE. I went to Creighton University. Great education, great professors - not a good place for young people with an itch for action! I moved to Denver in August of 2004 and love it! I recommend that all people live in at least one other place besides their hometown - the world is so full of opportunities, we just have to move out of comfort zones!